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About Us

I-RAYS Collective

Independent Rays Collective (IRC) is a Texas-based, independent production company that focuses on opening doors and breaking barriers for people who would otherwise be overlooked. 


IRC films and all media management aims to impact the lives of its audience and small businesses through compelling story-telling, entertainment, providing on-the-ground marketing and creating work for people who traditionally are excluded from thriving in the film and media space. 


Collective care is an essential value of IRC, not only in the care used to craft the content of its media, but also in the special care taken to ensure the wellbeing of all stakeholders involved from start to finish of a production and your business media management. 


The name emphasizes the independence of thought, desire, content, life-experience and the collective care for others showcased through the media it seeks to create.

The Creators


Georgiana Anwuzia

Georgiana grew up in London, United Kingdom. As a child, writing scripts and acting was all she dreamt of doing.  She pursued her AAS in Radio and TV technology at North Lake College. Working consistently as an actor, video editor, photographer, director, and producer. Her experience in the entertainment industry stretches from working on TV shows such as Women that Soars to radio shows. She is well versed and growing in all spheres of entertainment and media. Her keen attention to detail in every single aspect of

the production process has gained her stage play productions rave reviews from local media and audiences.


Stacey Ivy

Raised in Dayton, Ohio where she graduated with a B.A. in Psychology from Wright State University. Stacey is a poet, songwriter and content creator. With the release of her book 50 Shades of Yellow she is a performer that heals with her words. Interning at Disney propelled her into the vision of filmmaking and has since began to develop her skills. Playing a significant role in the stage play production of King David is Burning as the stage manager. Her extensive background in entertainment includes producing the short films, Please don't blow it and She was a rainbow.

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